Accomplishments & Issues

Current Issues

Growth & Development:  Indian River County is growing, but it is not growing unchecked. This past year we just finished a “Visioning Process” which consisted of re-evaluating of planning and zoning, our land development regulations and comprehensive plans, and evaluation of our urban service area. This will allow us to better control our growth patterns and prevent “sprawl.” This information will be studied and updated to meet our needs now and in the future.


Traffic:  Due to continued growth and more visitors, our roads are getting more crowded. The BOCC has made our infrastructure a priority and is working with FDOT who sent record funds to our county in 2023-2024 to make sure we are meeting our transportation needs. We are making improvements such as continuing 66th Avenue to SR 510 and replacing its adjacent bridges. We are re-paving many of our roads and widening others and adding bike lanes. The I-95/Oslo Interchange is already under construction and Oslo Road widening is happening also. Many road projects are slated for 2024.


Environment: Our environment and wildlife are one of my biggest priorities. I have championed a store/move water to our west project that will keep more storm water out of the lagoon. We have adopted the IRC Lagoon Plan which will be our guide to work towards improving the lagoon health by removing more nitrogen and phosphorus that negatively affects its health. Septic to Sewer projects completed and more are slated, especially in areas near the lagoon.


Customer Service: Good customer service has been a huge priority. When I took office in 2020 good customer service was lacking in some of our areas. This had to change as you should be able to go to your county officials and offices and receive help with respect and receive an honest answer to any question. If you are a contractor, you should have your permits reviewed in a timely fashion. We have made some real changes in this area such as virtual permitting and employee training to bring back good ole fashioned friendliness and a smile while answering your questions and concerns. We have brought a new website online to help answer your questions and obtain more information along with reporting any issues and sending out critical information.


Recreation: With more people moving here there is more of a demand for more recreational opportunities. The need for more ball fields, more green space, and more facilities. We are currently completing a recreational needs study that asks for community involvement as to wants and needs. Our Recreation Department is evaluating this information and planning to bring this information forward to the BOCC soon. Improved and more recreational opportunities are a top priority.


Code Enforcement and Unlicensed Contractors, Vacation Rentals: There are bad operators out there from contractors who are not licensed and insured, and homeowners who do not take care of their property. It is the County’s job to enforce rules and investigate these types of things that are out there which are taking advantage of some of our citizens and hurting the neighborhoods. I have made proper Code Enforcement a priority, and in the last year we have added more staff, to help enforce our ordinances and to make sure vacation rentals are operating according to the law. We have collected record fines in 2023.

Accomplishments while in office November 2020 – December 1, 2023